2010年1月27日 星期三

[Japanese Drama] Mr. Brain

     This Japanese drama, "Mr. Brain", is about how to use brain knowledge in science to solve the crime. A criminal can lie, but his brain can't.

The following content may reveal a little plot!

      In the sixth story, an innocent girl who was prisoned for 15 years in a basement for some reason got out and started a series of revenge plan. She killed everyone that had not helped her. The police discovered she showed threee kinds of personality at least, and the killer is not the original. At last, she was caught. If she was really a psychotic, may reduce a penalty. The actor wanted to prove it by setting a trick, and it was proved that the she wasn't a psyhotic. It was a miserable a girl was prisoned for 15 years and had to be again for a even loger time. The actor said to the policeman before the trick, "No matter how cruel the fact is, we should never hide it !!"

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