2010年2月21日 星期日


        ※This is a serial article. Because there're no English version of part1&2, I don't plan to write English version in this part 3. Please forgive me.


Small Program: Detect whether CapsLock key pressed

[English ver.]
        Usually the keyboard has a led sign which tells you whether the Capitial key is pressed, but my nb seems doesn't have extra room for it. When I was typing a password, I could realize I was in Captial after many errors. So I write a program with vb to show the status of Captial key. Download here.
        When it is in Captial, an icon will show in the task bar. And if you want to shut it down, just right-click it in Captial. Then choose "exit" to close it.
2010年2月20日 星期六


        一般情況下,鍵盤會有燈號顯示是否為大寫輸入狀態,但我的NB為了節省空間竟然把它省略掉了。在輸入密碼一類的場合下,會帶來不小的困擾。老早就想寫個小程式來顯示,今天總算有時間來完成。這是個相當簡單的小程式,dowload IsCapital。解壓縮後,執行IsCapital即可,建議拉個捷徑到啟動底下,這樣下次開機就會自動執行。



Make a Fan Shell

      There was a fan-shell like structure in the original design of my nb fan. Now, I replace it with a new one, and it still needs a fan shell. I use a wrapping of the mouse pad to cut into a fan shell.

Unfortunately, it doesn't have any significant improvement.


