2011年2月27日 星期日

ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint

When you see this picture, you may think I just bough a new lenovo notebook.

Acctually, it's not. It's a usb keyboard. There are some features make me buy it.

First, of course the famous red botton(trackpoint). This botton allows me not to move the right hand to reach the mouse after tying some words or coding. You  can imagine how many times do you have to do this action a day.

Second, it enlarge the "Delete" and "Backspae" botton. This is very convinent espacially when I was doing program coding. The odinary size is too samll for me. It's hard to find any design on other keyboard. It couldn't be patented!!

There are some additional function key, but most of them don't work. I got to admit that I haven't thought about this problem before buying it.

This product should be design for one who is not using lenovo notebook or desktop. If one having lenovo notebook, what makes him buy another keyboard? The layout of this keyborad is lenovo T40's desing, the it's basically the same as other  lenovo notebook models in market. So I don't expect that this keyborad does not 100% applicable to my ASUS M5N. The most problem is I can't "click" by taping the track point. What's a shame!! Anyway, I guess I can only try to get used to it.

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