This Japanese drama, "Mr. Brain", is about how to use brain knowledge in science to solve the crime. A criminal can lie, but his brain can't.
The following content may reveal a little plot!
2010年1月27日 星期三
2010年1月26日 星期二
[日劇] Mr. Brain 腦科學先生
[Chinese Ver.]
2010年1月18日 星期一
Let firefox support telnet protocol(BBS)
[English Ver.]
In most case, I'll choose firefox as my browser because it has many convenient plug-ins. Unfortunately, it doesn't support telnet protocol. So, we need to install the telnet plug-in which was made by pcman(famous programer in Taiwan). Here is its install page. Because it is released with xpi formate, firefox will remind you install it directly. But the default setting of firefox will consider this plug-in doesn't fit v3.5 and suspend it. Type "about:config" in address line, and confire the message. Right-click to add two settings, name:extensions.checkCompatibility, value is false ; the other name is extensions.checkUpdateSecurity, and the value is also false. Restart the firefox, type the telnet address(begin with telnet://), and you can also booksmark it just like web pages.
In most case, I'll choose firefox as my browser because it has many convenient plug-ins. Unfortunately, it doesn't support telnet protocol. So, we need to install the telnet plug-in which was made by pcman(famous programer in Taiwan). Here is its install page. Because it is released with xpi formate, firefox will remind you install it directly. But the default setting of firefox will consider this plug-in doesn't fit v3.5 and suspend it. Type "about:config" in address line, and confire the message. Right-click to add two settings, name:extensions.checkCompatibility, value is false ; the other name is extensions.checkUpdateSecurity, and the value is also false. Restart the firefox, type the telnet address(begin with telnet://), and you can also booksmark it just like web pages.
telnet plug-in for firefox
telnet plug-in for firefox
2010年1月16日 星期六
[VB .NET] How to Cancel the Closing of Form
[English Ver.]
There is a X button on top-right side of form. When user press it, will raise an closing event. Before VB .NET 2008, we can set e.cancel=true in closing event function to stop the closing process. But there's no such event function in VB .NET 2008. There is another methond to use the function. We have to refer to in References page ,and the OnClosing(byval e as system.componentmodel.canceleventargs) event function will be gernerated. But the closing function doesn't have content. OnClosing function should be "overrides" to stop closing by setting e.cancel=true.
About the development of ASSEditor, v0.6 has already done. And which remains a testing version. Main changes are to suport Janpanese and Korean ANSI encoding. Encoding-convert is a very import ability to this program. So, the user will get garbage as soon as the impropriate encoding is choosen. That is why I choose Unicode as default encoding, unless user try to change the encoding. The fewer number of ANSI file is, the less miss-coding will make.
There is a X button on top-right side of form. When user press it, will raise an closing event. Before VB .NET 2008, we can set e.cancel=true in closing event function to stop the closing process. But there's no such event function in VB .NET 2008. There is another methond to use the function. We have to refer to in References page ,and the OnClosing(byval e as system.componentmodel.canceleventargs) event function will be gernerated. But the closing function doesn't have content. OnClosing function should be "overrides" to stop closing by setting e.cancel=true.
About the development of ASSEditor, v0.6 has already done. And which remains a testing version. Main changes are to suport Janpanese and Korean ANSI encoding. Encoding-convert is a very import ability to this program. So, the user will get garbage as soon as the impropriate encoding is choosen. That is why I choose Unicode as default encoding, unless user try to change the encoding. The fewer number of ANSI file is, the less miss-coding will make.
VB .NET 如何取消(阻止) 表單關閉
在Windows的視窗中右上角有個X來讓使用者按下關閉,那麼要如何阻止表單關閉呢?在2008版之前,在closing event中可用e.cancel=true來阻止關閉行為,但在2008版的form物件並不存在closing event。然而有個onclosing event可以應用,但必須先在references中引入才會出現。因為onclosing函式是沒有內容的,所以必須用overrides覆寫,當使用者按下X後會引發onclosing event,在處理這個事件的函式中有被宣告為system.componentmodel.canceleventargs的類別e,設定e.cancel=true即可取消關閉的程序。
2010年1月13日 星期三
[Announce] English and Traditional ver. are provided
It was only Traditional Chinese ver. in this blog before. To make more people be able to read the articles, I will post two versions in one subject. Please forgive me the English version may be later and slightly different from the Chinese version. This is due to my English writing skill.
[You are reading Traditional Chienese Ver. ]
為了進軍國際...噢不,為了提昇人氣,以後所發表的文章將新增英文版讓不懂中文的網友也能閱讀。同個主題會發兩篇文章,標明Traditional Chinese Ver.和English Ver.來區分,內容以中文版為主,英文版的部份則可能會較晚發表、內容有所刪減或是描述上的差異。這是受限於板主的英文能力,請多包涵。
為了進軍國際...噢不,為了提昇人氣,以後所發表的文章將新增英文版讓不懂中文的網友也能閱讀。同個主題會發兩篇文章,標明Traditional Chinese Ver.和English Ver.來區分,內容以中文版為主,英文版的部份則可能會較晚發表、內容有所刪減或是描述上的差異。這是受限於板主的英文能力,請多包涵。
2010年1月10日 星期日
2010年1月8日 星期五
純文字文件編輯器-Ass Editor
一直以來都在找一個既堪當寫簡單程式又可以編輯文章的editor。筆者用過幾個不錯的免費軟體:notepad++、notepad2、ulipad。尤其是ulipad是針對開發python所設計,與編譯器整合的相當好。可是這些editor有一個共通的毛病,就是中文和英文同時存在段落就分得很奇怪。所以筆者決定要自己來寫筆者決定要用VB .net自己來寫一套,它需具備有:
最後一項是筆者最想要的功能,再之前用的軟體怎麼樣就之前用的軟體怎麼樣就是沒辦法像Word一樣,按ENTER就自動縮排,所以一定要實現。至於怎會有個不文雅的名字,因為它設計的最重要的中心思想就是「As Simple aS possible」,沒有多餘只有最需要的功能。
Download Link: Ass Editor,目前只是測試版,還不算穩定,大家可以下載來玩一下,順便給個意見。
最後一項是筆者最想要的功能,再之前用的軟體怎麼樣就之前用的軟體怎麼樣就是沒辦法像Word一樣,按ENTER就自動縮排,所以一定要實現。至於怎會有個不文雅的名字,因為它設計的最重要的中心思想就是「As Simple aS possible」,沒有多餘只有最需要的功能。
Download Link: Ass Editor,目前只是測試版,還不算穩定,大家可以下載來玩一下,順便給個意見。
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